Farming Practices


Ethically Raised, Harvested, and Traceable

Our animals have freedom to engage in natural behaviors such as grazing, socializing, and exercising, leading to improved animal welfare and reduced stress-related health issues. Each animal is harvested one at a time, the old-fashioned way utilizing local processors. Unlike large kill facilities, the meat we produce can be traced back to a single animal.


Our pastures are free from pesticides and commercial fertilizers. Pigs are afforded the freedom to graze, socialize and exercise on a regular basis. Their supplemental feed is milled here on the farm, soy free. Laying hens enjoy their time in the pasture with our horses and pigs. Their winter supplemental feed is milled here on the farm, soy free. Broilers and turkeys are rotated on fresh pasture daily, with a soy free ration.

Non-GMO and Soy Free

We understand the importance of providing non-GMO and soy free feed to our animals. From health concerns to food transparency, we seek to align with consumer preferences, promote animal health, and support environmental sustainability.

At Echo Acres, to address this demand we mill our own feed and source feed from a local mill – both of which are soy free. In the future we plan to transition to a non-GMO feed recipe. In the meantime, we supplement feed with pasture time and fresh alfalfa hay grown here on the farm.

Anti-Microbial Stewardship (Antibiotic Free)

Commercial farmers often administer antibiotics to animals because animals living in crowded conditions are more prone to disease due to stress and proximity to one another. Additionally, antibiotics have been historically used to promote faster growth in animals. This practice is controversial and has led to concerns about antibiotic resistance in both animals and humans.

At Echo Acres, we don’t believe in these standard practices of commercial farming. Our animals are antibiotic free.