About Us

We are the Ney Family and Welcome to the farm!

While there have been various animals, crops and other projects on the family farm over the years, 2024 provided a huge shift for Echo Acres. This land has given generously throughout the years to not only our family, but our community as well. We enjoy harvesting, sharing and enjoying God’s blessings in community. However, God was calling us for something bigger when He planted the idea of naturally raised pork on our hearts.

Our journey to provide clean, delicious, nutrient-rich food for our community began with a desire to produce that same food for our family. In 2014, we began raising our own swine in conjunction with our children’s 4-H journey that already included Morgan Horses. Poultry became an obvious added project and soon the family easily kept itself in most meats and eggs through the process of growing and bartering. In 2020, we moved back to the family farm and began growing quality alfalfa hay, serving clientele who prefer feeding small bales to their horses and other livestock. The following year we welcomed our Morgan perlino stallion, Bar DS Creme Brûlée, and actively started working on our Morgan Horse breeding program. Through it all, we continue to offer farm related services such as mowing, rototilling, excavation and general dirt work.

Here at Echo Acres, we pride ourselves in producing the highest quality, best tasting, consciously fed, pork and poultry products. Our animals are raised on our farm and harvested locally. They live a stress-free life, free from antibiotics, steroids, hormones, and pesticides.

Additionally, we offer pasture-raised chicken eggs, laying hens, in-season vegetables, and a line of byproducts launching soon.